Hill Croft School

School Meals and Uniform Grants

Some families may be entitled to extra support with meals and uniforms for school. School meals and uniform grants should be applied for between June and beginning of August to be ready and in place before the beginning of term, new forms will be available from the website below from June each year and all completed online. To find out if you are eligible and how to apply for this support please visit this website for further information.





Parent(s)/Guardian(s) can apply if your son or daughter is in full-time education and if you are in receipt of one of the following benefits:-   

  • Income Support;    
  • Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance;    
  • Income Related Employment and Support Allowance;
  • Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit;   
  • Child Tax Credit or Working Tax Credit with an annual taxable income of £16,190 or less;
  • Universal credit and have net household earnings not exceeding £14,000 per year.


  • if you are an Asylum Seeker supported by the Home Office Asylum Support Assessment Team (ASAT); or    
  • if your child has a statement of special educational needs and is designated to require a special diet. Please complete the Special Diet Form below instead of completing the online form.


If additional information is required or any difficulty is experienced, you can contact the Meals and Uniform Service.

·         Contact:  Monday – Friday 9am – 4.30pm by:

·         Telephone:  028 9041 8044

·         Email:  mealsanduniform@eani.org.uk
